
6502 Assembly Language

 Part 1: Introduction Through this blog post, I will be learning about the 6502 assembly language. I will be learning basic operations and features of the language, as well as how to calculate a portion of code's execution time. I will be focusing on the below code snippet while exploring how to make changes for desired output and better performance. 👉 The following 6502 emulator will be used to run code throughout this lab: Initial Code:           lda #$00 ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200 sta $40 lda #$02 sta $41 lda #$07 ; colour number ldy #$00 ; set index to 0 loop: sta ($40),y ; set pixel at the address (pointer)+Y iny ; increment index bne loop ; continue until done the page inc $41 ; increment the page ldx $41 ; get the current page number cpx #$06 ; compare with 6 bne loop ; continue until done all pages The above code fills the emulator's graphics screen with the colour yellow. Output...

Open Source Projects

Open source projects are very new to me and, at first, seemed very intimidating. However, upon looking into a few, I've noticed that the process is quite familiar. Within this post, I will be covering two open-source projects and what it is like to be a contributor to each, what the process entails, and what other roles are involved. Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox is an open-source browser. It uses the “Mozilla Public License”, allowing users to copy, modify and distribute Firefox. The source code is managed with Mercurial. Also, the project makes use of Bugzilla, a web-based bug tracking system, and Phabricator, a software development collaboration tool, for code review. To begin making a contribution, one may file a bug or claim an unassigned bug on Bugzilla. The bugs are divided into categories to make it easier for a contributor to find work that is within their skill range.  Codetribute  is a website that features mentored bugs that allow a contributor to have a mentor...